Prevention and Elimination of lice and nits ※ Joopi


Specialists in the prevention and elimination of head lice and nits.

Joopi kids

Specialists in the prevention and elimination of head lice and nits.


JOOPI was born in 2014 as the most effective solution on the market being the first brand that uses 100% natural and vegan products specialised in the elimination and prevention of head lice and nits.

Fruit of research and experience, and through the R&D department, JOOPI creates and develops the JOOPI Magic; a technological device patented and certified by the European Union and the USA.

Specialists in the prevention and elimination of lice and nits.

Lice are a social problem and become a big problem for the whole family.

  • Do you want to remove lice?
  • Do you know how to get rid of lice?

We know how!

Having fun!

And besides, in order not to have the problem, we also know…

How to prevent head lice with vegan and natural products

And are nits seen? (They are the eggs 🥚🥚🥚 of lice)

Do you know how to remove nits? We do

  • We have a device (heat and suction) To remove lice and nits in 60 minutes!
  • The best lice comb on the market. To help you solve the problem of lice and nits!

And also a family of anti-lice, vegan and natural preventive cosmetic products.

To prevent lice and nits in a 100% effective way!